Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Out of the Box and Into the Cloud - IoT Wg Development Boards

Create Smart, Secure Nodes for Google IoT Cloud Platforms

 secure, cloud-connected systems does not have to be an exhaustive process. Microchip’s 

AVR-IoT and PIC-IoT development boards provide a perfect starting point for engineers 

creating almost any IoT device, ranging from wireless sensor nodes to intelligent lighting 

systems. ThDesigningese boards offer a plug-and-play solution that combines a powerful

 yet simple microcontroller (AVR® or PIC® MCU), a CryptoAuthentication™ secure element 

and a fully-certified Wi-Fi® network controller module to provide an easy and effective way 

to connect embedded applications to Google’s Cloud IoT Core platform. These 

development boards are an ideal foundation for effortlessly creating cloud-connected 

designs. With a huge installed base of AVR and PIC-based embedded applications, 

connecting these designs to the cloud for remote command or control just got easier.

AVR-IoT and PIC-IoT Development Board Key Features

    1. Go from out-of-the-box to cloud-connected in 30 seconds.
    2. On-board smart MCU brings the processing power and simplicity Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) that further decrease power consumption
    3. Secure authentication with hardware-based private key storage
    4.    Easily connect your design without prior wireless design experience with the on-board Wi-Fi     module

    AVR-IoT WG Development Board (AC164160)

    AVR-IoT WG Development Board Photo (AC164160)
    Control your connected design with the powerful yet efficient ATmega4808 MCU, which features Core Independent Peripherals (CIPs) designed to handle more application tasks with less code.

    PIC-IoT WG Development Board Photo (AC164164)
    Ideal for battery-operated IoT applications, the PIC24FJ128GA705 MCU provides the simplicity of the PIC architecture with added memory and advanced analog integration, designed to handle complex applications with less code and decreased power consumption.